Context manager

This part of the project documentation focuses on a learning-oriented approach. Use the tutorial below to learn how the waterfall context manager as a function decorator can be useful.

import pandas as pd
from waterfall_logging.log import PandasWaterfall
from waterfall_logging.context_manager import waterfall

waterfall_log = PandasWaterfall(table_name="context_manager_markdown", columns=["size"])

def filter_brands(bicycle_rides: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    return bicycle_rides[bicycle_rides["brand"].isin(["Gazelle", "Batavia"])]

def filter_small_wheels(bicycle_rides: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    return bicycle_rides[bicycle_rides["wheel_size"] >= 31]

@waterfall(log=waterfall_log, variable_names=["bicycle_rides"], markdown_kwargs={'buf': ''})
def main():
    bicycle_rides = pd.DataFrame(data=[
        ['Shimano', 'race', 28, '2023-02-13', 1],
        ['Gazelle', 'comfort', 31, '2023-02-15', 1],
        ['Shimano', 'race', 31, '2023-02-16', 2],
        ['Batavia', 'comfort', 30, '2023-02-17', 3],
    ], columns=['brand', 'ride_type', 'wheel_size', 'date', 'bike_id'])

    bicycle_rides = filter_brands(bicycle_rides)

    bicycle_rides = filter_small_wheels(bicycle_rides)

    | Table                    |   size |   Δ size |   Rows |   Δ Rows | Reason   | Configurations flag   |
    | context_manager_markdown |      4 |        0 |      4 |        0 |          |                       |
    | context_manager_markdown |      2 |       -2 |      2 |       -2 |          |                       |
    | context_manager_markdown |      1 |       -1 |      1 |       -1 |          |                       |

    print("The `waterfall_log` is also saved in the file ``!")

if __name__ == "__main__":